Improve reading and spelling through research-based lessons and engaging activities!

Essentials includes 30 units that are divided across four volumes, with five parts in each unit. With three differentiated levels of spelling analysis and vocabulary instruction, this program is used to improve the reading and spelling skills of students at all language comprehension levels.

Essentials workbook example

Phonemic Awareness

Beginning in the Pre-Lessons, Essentials develops the phonemic awareness skills of blending and segmenting that are so critical to reading success. As students progress through the lessons, they apply and continue to develop the blending and segmenting skills, while also developing advanced phonemic awareness skills.

student holding Essentials books

Reliable Phonics Rules

Essentials teaches the complete and accurate phonics rules described in Uncovering the Logic of English. Upon completion of Essentials, students will have a deep understanding of the written structure of English.

Advanced phonogram flashcards

Accurate Phonograms

Complete and accurate phonogram instruction helps to fill in gaps in students' learning. Essentials Level C also includes discovering Advanced Phonograms.

student smiling

No More Guessing

Reliable rules and complete phonograms means no more guessing at words! Students learn how phonograms and spelling rules work together to logically explain English spelling. Upon completing Essentials, students will be able to explain the phonograms and rules used to spell any word!

Levels A, B, and C for Essentials

Spelling Analysis

Spelling Analysis is central to the learning routine of all Logic of English curriculum. Essentials lessons include three levels of Spelling Analysis to help you engage students at a wide variety of levels. Essentials Spelling Analysis videos are available on YouTube for Levels A and B to make teaching easier!

grammar lesson from Essentials


Essentials lessons teach all the parts of speech, how to write strong sentences, and punctuation rules. The grammar portions of the lesson help to improve reading comprehension and support developing composition skills.

morphology flashcards


Essentials students learn that words are made up of both phonograms (units of sound) and morphemes (units of meaning). Lessons include differentiated vocabulary instruction where students will learn prefix, suffixes, and roots.

Scope & Sequence and Objectives

To evaluate curriculum, you need to know what skills are taught. A scope and sequence is like the nutrition label for curriculum.

This is why we make it easy for you to review.

Essentials Teacher's Manuals

Helping Teachers Differentiate Instruction

Essentials Placement Test

Before Unit 1

An assessment is included at the beginning of Essentials to determine if students need to begin with the Pre-Lessons or if they are ready to jump into Unit 1. Essentials Pre-Lessons include a short course to strengthen blending and segmenting skills, learn the sounds of a-z, and teach systematic handwriting.

Pick-Up-And-Teach Lessons

Essentials teacher's guide and workbook

Progress Monitoring

Part 5 of every unit is an assessment to monitor progress. Assessments will help teachers know which skills students need to continue to practice. Parts 2-5 of every Unit include extensive ideas for review.

Essentials Workbooks

Supporting Essentials Lessons!

  • Essentials workbook interior

    Phonogram Practice

    Learning complete and accurate phonograms is the most important skill for reading and spelling. Essentials workbooks include engaging ways to practice to develop mastery.

  • Essentials workbook interior

    Spelling Rules

    What we discover, we remember. Essentials workbooks include activities carefully designed to help students analyze patterns and discover the rules.

  • Essentials workbook


    Grammar instruction supports both comprehension skills and composition. Essentials workbooks include activities to practice identifying parts of speech, punctuation, editing, and more.

  • Essentials workbook

    Three Levels

    Essentials workbooks include Levels A, B, and C to help differentiate instruction to your learners' language comprehension level.

Core Materials to Support Learning

The Essentials Core Materials Bundle is used in all four levels of Essentials.

  • phonogram flashcards

    Flash Cards

    Basic Phonogram, Advanced Phonogram, Spelling Rule, and Grammar Flash Cards are used to introduce concepts, review, and practice. The Essentials Teacher's Manuals include cues for when to use the Flash Cards and fun game options.

    1 Per Teacher

  • students using phonogram game tiles

    Phonogram Game Tiles

    Phonogram Game Tiles are used in Essentials to introduce and practice phonics and spelling. They are also used to practice adding, deleting and substituting phonograms to create new words.

    1 Per Student

  • phonogram game cards

    Phonogram Game Cards

    Essentials Teacher's Manuals include a wealth of game ideas using the Phonogram Game Cards to turn phonogram practice into learning fun. Set available in Bookface/Manuscript or Bookface/Cursive.

    1 Set for Every 2 Students

  • student practicing cursive handwriting


    The durable LOE Whiteboard is perfect for students to use during Essentials lessons as part of phonogram practice and spelling analysis. It is also a great option for teachers who are teaching one student or a small group.

    1 PerTeacher and 1 Per Student

  • spelling rule quick reference

    Quick References

    Many teachers are learning alongside their students. Our Quick References are the perfect tool to have at your side to remember phonograms sounds, look up a spelling rule or a grammar definition.

    1 Per Teacher

  • student writing in spelling journal

    Spelling Journal

    Essentials students create a Spelling Journal by sound to support mastering the spelling of sounds with multiple spellings. Lessons are included in the Essentials Teacher's Manual in Part 2 of every Unit.

    1 Per Student

Essentials Reader Bundle


Reading Comprehension & Composition

Written to support developing readers, this high-interest controlled reader is created to engage students and develop their confidence all while modeling the comprehension skills needed to read academic texts with success. The Teacher's Guide and Student Activity Book include composition activities to help support students' developing writing skills. This series helps boost students into grade-level reading and composition curricula.

Joy Stories

  • Student holding Essentials Teacher's Guide and workbook

    "Logic of English has provided my daughter with amazing reading and writing skills. She has complete Logic of English Foundations levels A-D and Essentials Units 1-15, level B. We love how interactive, fun, and effective this program is! It has been an absolute perfect fit for my daughter, and the scripted, open-and-go lessons are clear and easy to teach."

    Danielle K.
    LOE User - At Home
  • student with Foundations and Essentials curriculum

    "He has worked so hard for the last 5 years...and today he is DONE! We completed Foundations A/B in K4/Kindergarten, Foundations C in First Grade, Foundations D in Second Grade, and Essentials Level B in Third and Fourth Grade. All of Essentials was done with the help of the online lessons.

    Logic of English is my favorite subject to teach. It is so well laid out with the right balance of games, worksheets, online videos, and books."

    Emily R.
    LOE User - At Home
  • student with Essentials teacher's guide

    "We finished Essentials A! We didn't do Foundations but my daughter was seven and reading when we started Logic of English so we decided to start with Essentials and just go really, really slow. It took over two years (we did every single part of the program, including all of the Reader activities), but it was time well spent."

    Ali W.
    LOE User - At Home
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