Improve reading and spelling through research-based lessons and engaging activities!
Essentials includes 30 units that are divided across four volumes, with five parts in each unit. With three differentiated levels of spelling analysis and vocabulary instruction, this program is used to improve the reading and spelling skills of students at all language comprehension levels.
Scope & Sequence and Objectives
To evaluate curriculum, you need to know what skills are taught. A scope and sequence is like the nutrition label for curriculum.
This is why we make it easy for you to review.
Essentials Teacher's Manuals
Helping Teachers Differentiate Instruction
Pick-Up-And-Teach Lessons
Essentials Workbooks
Supporting Essentials Lessons!
Phonogram Practice
Learning complete and accurate phonograms is the most important skill for reading and spelling. Essentials workbooks include engaging ways to practice to develop mastery.
Spelling Rules
What we discover, we remember. Essentials workbooks include activities carefully designed to help students analyze patterns and discover the rules.
Grammar instruction supports both comprehension skills and composition. Essentials workbooks include activities to practice identifying parts of speech, punctuation, editing, and more.
Three Levels
Essentials workbooks include Levels A, B, and C to help differentiate instruction to your learners' language comprehension level.
Core Materials to Support Learning
The Essentials Core Materials Bundle is used in all four levels of Essentials.
Flash Cards
Basic Phonogram, Advanced Phonogram, Spelling Rule, and Grammar Flash Cards are used to introduce concepts, review, and practice. The Essentials Teacher's Manuals include cues for when to use the Flash Cards and fun game options.
1 Per Teacher
Phonogram Game Tiles
Phonogram Game Tiles are used in Essentials to introduce and practice phonics and spelling. They are also used to practice adding, deleting and substituting phonograms to create new words.
1 Per Student
Phonogram Game Cards
Essentials Teacher's Manuals include a wealth of game ideas using the Phonogram Game Cards to turn phonogram practice into learning fun. Set available in Bookface/Manuscript or Bookface/Cursive.
1 Set for Every 2 Students
The durable LOE Whiteboard is perfect for students to use during Essentials lessons as part of phonogram practice and spelling analysis. It is also a great option for teachers who are teaching one student or a small group.
1 PerTeacher and 1 Per Student
Quick References
Many teachers are learning alongside their students. Our Quick References are the perfect tool to have at your side to remember phonograms sounds, look up a spelling rule or a grammar definition.
1 Per Teacher
Spelling Journal
Essentials students create a Spelling Journal by sound to support mastering the spelling of sounds with multiple spellings. Lessons are included in the Essentials Teacher's Manual in Part 2 of every Unit.
1 Per Student
Optional Online Instruction Makes Teaching Easy
Incorporate online lessons and activities into your Essentials Lessons.